Ryan Gosling Religion: Navigating Faith in the Spotlight

Ryan Gosling is a Canadian actor who has starred in many popular films over the past two decades. Gosling first gained recognition as a child actor on the Disney Channel’s Mickey Mouse Club in the 1990s. He then transitioned into film acting, appearing in independent dramas in the early 2000s like The Believer and Murder by Numbers. Gosling’s breakout role came in the 2004 romantic drama The Notebook, which catapulted him to stardom.

Since then, he has starred in various acclaimed films like Half Nelson, Blue Valentine, Crazy Stupid Love, La La Land, and First Man. Gosling is considered one of the most talented and bankable leading men in Hollywood today. He has received various accolades, including an Academy Award nomination for La La Land. While known for drama films, Gosling has demonstrated range by appearing in action, comedy, and musical roles over the years.

Religious Upbringing

Ryan Gosling was raised Mormon by devout Mormon parents in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada. His parents were very strict about adhering to Mormon principles and rules. According to Gosling, “My parents were more Mormon than I was”. He has described his mother as a “religious zealot” who homeschooled him and his older sister Mandi. The Mormon religion has very strict rules against things like drinking, smoking, and premarital sex. Gosling’s parents enforced these rules and he had a very sheltered, religious upbringing.

While he went to public high school, Gosling’s childhood was defined by the Mormon faith and he has been critical of the restrictiveness of it. Overall, Ryan Gosling was raised in a very devout Mormon household that strictly followed the teachings and lifestyle of the Mormon religion.

Religious Views as an Adult

Ryan Gosling Religion

Ryan Gosling has been fairly private about his current religious beliefs as an adult. In interviews, he has indicated that he no longer practices Mormonism. However, he has also made statements suggesting he still has some spiritual inclinations.

In an interview, Gosling stated “I’m not a practicing Mormon” but also said “I don’t not believe in God.” This suggests he may still have some form of personal faith or spirituality, even if he doesn’t follow the teachings of the Mormon church anymore.

Similarly, in an interview, Gosling remarked “I’m not a practicing Mormon anymore, but I was raised in a religious household.” He went on to say “I’m not really a churchgoer these days. But I believe in God and my upbringing.” This again indicates he has moved away from Mormonism specifically, but still has a general belief in God shaped by his religious upbringing.

Overall, Gosling seems open to spirituality in his own personal way, while distancing himself from the formal practice of Mormonism he experienced growing up. He has not provided extensive detail on his current worldview, but retains an appreciation for the moral and family values emphasized during his childhood faith.

Spiritual Interests

Gosling was raised in a Mormon household, but has distanced himself from organized religion as an adult. In an interview, Gosling said “Religion was a part of my life and a part of my family’s life when I was young, but it was never really a part of who I was”.

He has expressed an interest in spirituality and a general belief in God, but does not follow any specific doctrine. In 2011, he shared that he prays and believes “in the idea of God” but maintains a “healthy skepticism”. Gosling seems to value keeping an open, evolving relationship with spirituality rather than adhering to dogma.

Political Views

Ryan Gosling Belief

Ryan Gosling has been reticent to share his political views publicly, though he has expressed an interest in political issues. He starred in the 2011 political drama The Ides of March, set during a Democratic primary campaign, though he declined to comment directly on American politics when promoting the film.

Gosling’s spiritual and religious interests seem to shape his political views and activism. He has spoken about his concerns about inequality, poverty, and other social justice issues from a spiritual perspective. In 2015, he shared a message from Senator Bernie Sanders about the importance of bringing people together for the common good, suggesting an affinity for Sanders’ democratic socialist views. Gosling sees spiritual values as a motivating force for civic participation and social change.


Gosling is known for supporting various philanthropic causes. He has worked with organizations like PETA, Invisible Children, and the Enough Project to raise awareness about animal rights and human rights issues in Africa.

In terms of religion and spirituality, Gosling has supported some faith-based charities. He participated in a fundraising gala for The Art of Elysium, which is an organization that uses art to help hospitalized children. He has also been involved with the ONE Campaign, a nonprofit focused on ending extreme poverty that was founded by Christian activists. These charitable efforts demonstrate Gosling’s compassion and interest in helping others, which connects to many religious traditions.

Impact on Career

Ryan Gosling was raised in a devout Mormon household and his early life was deeply intertwined with religion. However, as an adult, Gosling has distanced himself from organized religion and considers himself more spiritual. This shift seems to have influenced some of his acting and directorial choices.

For example, in the 2011 film Drive, Gosling played a brooding getaway driver who lives a lonely, isolated life. Some critics noted that the character had a “Christ-like” quality and interpreted the film as an allegory for spiritual struggle and redemption. Gosling brought a quiet intensity to the role that conveyed the character’s inner turmoil.

As a director, Gosling chose the story Lost River, which revolves around economic depression and urban decay in Detroit. The film has dream-like, surreal qualities and themes of fantasy escaping grim reality. Gosling described it as a “dark fairy tale” that he hoped would resonate in today’s difficult times. The movie seems to reflect Gosling’s spiritual leanings more than any traditional religious doctrine.

Overall, Gosling’s acting and directorial projects tend to focus on isolated protagonists searching for meaning and connection. Though he was raised Mormon, Gosling seems drawn to more humanistic, spiritual themes rather than specific religious messages in his work. His shift away from organized religion has opened him creatively to explore these philosophical ideas through his art.

Personal Life

Ryan Gosling Faith

Ryan Gosling met actress Eva Mendes on the set of their film The Place Beyond the Pines in 2011, and they began dating shortly after. They have two daughters together, Esmeralda and Amada. Gosling has stated that becoming a father strengthened his spirituality and made him think more deeply about faith and religion.

However, neither Gosling nor Mendes have publicly discussed their daughters’ religious upbringing. Gosling remains private about his current religious views, though he has distanced himself from the Mormon church as an adult. His relationship with Mendes and their family life also appear to be secular rather than religiously-oriented.


Ryan Gosling was raised in a Mormon household, as his mother was a Mormon. However, he has stated publicly that religion was not a major part of his upbringing and that his family was not very religious.

As an adult, Gosling does not appear to identify with any particular organized religion. He has shown an interest in exploring various spiritual ideas, including Judaism at one point through his relationship with Rachel McAdams. However, he does not seem to actively practice any specific faith.

Overall, while Gosling has Mormon roots and an openness to spirituality, he does not currently align himself with any particular religion. His political and philanthropic activities suggest he has a social conscience, but he does not directly attribute this to religious motivations. His career does not seem heavily influenced by his religious background either.

In summary, Gosling appears to have moved away from his Mormon upbringing and developed an eclectic, noncommittal view of religion and spirituality as an adult. He does not publicly identify with any specific faith or religious identity at this stage in his life.

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Robert Davies

In my early twenties, I set out on a journey to find these answers, not just within the confines of Christianity, but by exploring the world's myriad faiths. I sought to understand what we, as a collective of human beings, believe in, and why.

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